Saturday, July 28, 2007

Corzine’s Anti-Poverty Plan

Murray Sabrin

Last Wednesday, the Star-Ledger reported (“N.J. slips as a place where children thrive”) the number of poor children is increasing faster in New Jersey than in the rest of the nation. As the article points out, New Jersey’ slipped from third place in 2004 to ninth place in the ranking of the Kids Count Data Book--a survey of child well being--primarily because of an increase in child poverty. However, the survey also highlighted some bright spots, namely, a drop in teen births and a decline in infant deaths.

In response to the Kids Count report, Cecelia Zalkind of the Association for Children of New Jersey stated, “In Camden, two out of three children live in poverty. I wish Governor Corzine would address this head-on.”

Have no fear, Governor Corzine will address the children in poverty issue with the same gusto he is known for tackling other social and economic issues: government mandates. If there are too many children living in poverty, then Governor Corzine will soon issue an executive order limiting the number of children poverty stricken parents can have. Presto! In one stroke of the pen, the number of children living in poverty will decline in the Garden State.

For example, if a couple is at the poverty level, they will be forbidden by the State to have a child until they rise above the poverty level. If a couple is above the poverty level, they will have to demonstrate that having a child will not push them below the poverty level. All couples just above the poverty level would be limited to one child. The Department of Children and Families will enforce this new, bold regulation.

If anyone thinks this policy is draconian, think again. It has worked for the Chinese. Their one child policy is working miracles in the People’s Republic. In fact, the one child per couple is having huge economic and environmental benefits. The Chinese economy is booming under a one child policy. The environment is improving. Fewer Chinese children being born means less demand for chop sticks. Less chopsticks means more trees saved, which means more carbon dioxide absorbed by forests and other forms of vegetation. Hence, less global warming.

A one or no child policy in New Jersey would mean fewer disposable diapers filling up our landfills, less trips to pediatricians to treat infants for sore throats and ear infections, and less demand for new schools. Not only would a one or no child policy be good for New Jersey’s environment, it would free up doctors to see the really sick people in our society, the elderly. In addition, fewer children would reduce the demand for classroom space. Hence, property taxes would be kept in check.

In one bold government mandate, Governor Corzine would reduce poverty in New Jersey, improve the environment, reduce healthcare costs, and put a lid on property tax hikes. With a record like this, no Republican would dare challenge Governor Corzine in 2009.

Inasmuch as Governor Corzine would not have to spend tens of millions of dollars in another costly political campaign, wouldn’t such a generous governor give me a modest commission for my proposal? After he wins reelection in 2009, Governor Corzine could then launch his 2012 presidential bid. Save me a seat at the Inaugural Ball.

Murray Sabrin, Ph.D., is professor of Finance in the Anisfield School of Business and Executive Director of the Center for Business and Public Policy, Ramapo College of New Jersey. He is a contributing columnist for NJBIZ and a weekly columnist for Sabrin also writes for the Star-Ledger’s blog, NJ Voices.