Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Corzine, Like Clinton, Only With More Time to Turn It Around

With fewer than two weeks before the Texas and Ohio primaries, Hillary Clinton does not have much time to turn around her sagging campaign. With polls showing that her unfavorable ratings are continuing to climb and her approval ratings are in a slow but steady decline, the Senator from New York has to mastermind a miracle, and quickly. Across the Hudson, Governor Corzine faces similar polling numbers, but time is on his side. Unfortunately, the Governor must also transform himself but has not shown adeptness at doing so.

This past week, the Quinnipiac poll showed the Governor with a 37% job approval rating and a whopping 52% disapproval. In addition, 51% of the voters polled said he did not deserve re-election and his approval among members of his own party is only at 53%. With continued wrangling over an unpopular toll hike still ahead, the Governor will see his support continue to dwindle in the weeks ahead. However, all is not lost and the Governor does have time to regroup.

Continue reading ShapTalk.com: Corzine, Like Clinton, Only With More Time to Turn It Around.

Michael M. Shapiro, founder of ShapTalk.com, is an attorney who resides in New Providence, New Jersey. He currently serves as the Editor of The Alternative Press Contact Mike at mike@shaptalk.com