Monday, September 8, 2008

It IS Back to the House for Andrews

On June 5, 2008, I wrote a column about the stinging double-digit defeat Congressman Andrews suffered at the hands of Senator Frank Lautenberg in the June Democratic Primary and asked, “Is it back to the House for Andrews?” Andrews himself steadfastly denied that he would ever return to the House, as did his wife, Camille, who sat on the line for the seat in the June Primary. However, this past week, Mr. Andrews reversed course and announced that he would retake the Democratic line from his wife and run in November for re-election to his Congressional seat.

It appears that Congressman Andrews has indeed had second thoughts about surrendering his seat since his political future after his June demise is now an uncertain one. While some voters may be angry with him for his duplicitous behavior, the residents of his District will likely welcome him with open arms given his strong popularity in that District. Those who will be most upset are people who are not residents of his district and, therefore, cannot vote in that election.

Continue reading It IS Back to the House for Andrews

Michael M. Shapiro, founder of, is an attorney who resides in New Providence, New Jersey. He currently serves as the Editor of The Alternative Press Contact Mike at